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Join Linda Grace Byers & Jessica Blake as they examine and discuss
what's going on in the world through a scriptural lens.
Each episode will explore topics that weigh heavy on their hearts and minds.
EPISODE 1 - Staying Grounded in the Whirlwind
EPISODE 3 - Are You Chosen?
EPISODE 5 - God Glue
EPISODE 7 - Submitting, Obeying & Serving
EPISODE 9 - Are You Salty?
EPISODE 11 - False Teachers, Prophets & Christs
EPISODE 13 - Persecution of the Saints
EPISODE 15 - How Much Authority Has God Delegated to Believers?
EPISODE 17 - Who or what is your #1?
EPISODE 2 - Slippery Slope
EPISODE 2 - Slippery Slope
EPISODE 4 - Fruits of the Spirit & Satan's MO
EPISODE 6 - Confession Time
EPISODE 8 - What's Your Life Purpose?
EPISODE 10 - Fidelity & Integrity
EPISODE 12 - The Villain, The Victim, & The Rescuer
EPISODE 14 - A More Excellent Way
EPISODE 16 - The Power of Suggestion
SEASON 2 / EPISODE 1 - Cultivating Character
SEASON 2 / EPISODE 2 - Santa, Satan, or Jesus?
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