I saw an amazing quote on Social Media this week that made me stop and think.
It read,
"The world wants peace but rejects the Prince of Peace. The world wants love but rejects the Author of Love. The world wants life but rejects the One Who gave His life to save theirs. The world desperately wants Jesus, but they're too busy rejecting Him to realize that He's the answer."
The major question to grapple with is why people openly reject the Prince of Peace and the Author of Love and Life if they crave peace, love, and life?
In my book, 'Seeker: Searching for Truth at All Costs" I list a myriad of reasons in great detail. I encourage you to read through the chapter near the end of my book that explains the main reasons that people reject God and the Gospel. But for time's sake, let's explore one of the main reasons that many people reject Christ.
It is not primarily an intellectual issue, but a moral one. Unbelievers do not intellectually prefer darkness over light. They have not concluded that darkness makes more sense by intellectualizing matters. Rather, unbelievers prefer darkness because their deeds are evil. The Light (aka Jesus Christ/Word of God) exposes their evil deeds and convicts them of their true moral guilt before the holy God. In short, unbelievers like to sin and want to keep living their lives as they see fit without feeling guilt or shame over their immoral choices and lifestyle. If we are honest with ourselves, even believers battle with certain sins that they have a hard time parting with. It takes the Holy Spirit power and a very close, personal relationship with Christ to be able to feel conviction, to become repentant, and to allow God to prune those sins from our lives.
Aldous Huxley, the famous atheist of the last century, once admitted that his rejection of Christianity stemmed from his desire to sin. He wrote, "I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; consequently assumed that it had not; and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption. The philosopher who finds no meaning for this world is not concerned exclusively with the problem of pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove that there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to…. For myself … the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political."
(Ends and Means [Garland Publishers], pp. 270, 273, cited in James Boice, Genesis [Zondervan], 1:236)