Weathering the Storms of Life
There are seasons that we seemingly get to coast through a little easier & then there are seasons when everything seems to uprooted & shaken. My extended family is currently going through a shaking. It reminds me of the scripture that tells us that ALL that can be shaken will indeed be shaken.
There is a false general assumption that if you are in Christ you will be free of problems & able to override struggle. Anyone who is actually a true follower of Christ will laugh out loud if you dare suggest this. They know better. They know that Satan seeks to kill, steal & destroy anything & anyone he can & that he actually comes harder at Christ followers.
If you are familiar with Christian theology you may be asking, “But…. Doesn’t the atoning blood of Jesus protect Christ followers from the devil?”
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: although Scripture tells us that when we submit all areas of our lives to Christ & plead the blood of Jesus, the devil must flee, this doesn’t mean that Satan won’t try to sift people. He constantly looks for loopholes (areas of rebellion where a Christ follower hasn’t submitted - areas of unrepentant sin) to find legal ways to attack. On top of that, it appears that horrible things still happen to those who are doing their very best to live a submitted/obedient lives.
For example, some Christ followers die tragically & no matter how we look at it, we don’t understand the timing of why they had to go. We don’t understand God’s will or methodology. We may try to justify & create reasons & answers to make ourselves feel better but ultimately we need to admit that we will be left with many questions that will not get answered until we take our last breath & are able to ask the Creator of the Heavens & Earth, Himself.
Alas, this is the hard part about walking the narrow road. These inexplicable storms are where our faith gets tested & where the “rubber meets the road” (as my father in law likes to say). We will continue to trust God’s overall plan, timing, methodology, & trust that God works for the good of those who love Him, even when we don’t understand.
